Album Covers AllGallery Item Ariadna ProjectAlbum cover & artwork layout for the album "Novus Mundus" from the argentinean band Ariadna Project - Sleaszy Rider Records (2016). Dark Angel Concept ArtConcept art (2013). Climatic TerraAlbum cover & artwork layout for the album "Anatomy of Despise" from the argentinean band Climatic Terra (2018). Viernes 13Album cover & artwork layout for the album "Con las manos manchadas de sangre" from the paraguayan band Viernes 13 (2012). CabralAlbum cover & artwork layout for the album "Infierno Interno" from the argentinean band Cabral - Icarus Music (2017). S.U.R.Album cover & artwork layout for the album "Paredon y después" from the argentinean band S.U.R. (2017). E.N.I. MetalAlbum cover & artwork layout for the album "Dimensión Perdida" from the argentinean band E.N.I. Metal (2017). DeviserAlbum Cover & artwork layout for the album "Howling Flames" from the greek band Deviser - Sleaszy Rider Records (2017). MegasonicAlbum cover & artwork layout for the album "Without Warning" for the belgian band Megasonic - Sleaszy Rider Records (2017). Load More